What is the user journey to the sustainable future? We think it starts with telling better stories about it – the story of the possible futures.


Great theatre is fundamental to good storytelling. But the possible futures will, we feel certain, be built by breaking down the walls between sectors and specialisms. Between different fields of influence. To draw on multiple deep wells of knowledge, the human planet challenges will need us to dismantle many of the cultural barriers currently separating different pocket universes of hopeful intent.

It’s time to loose the multiverse, if we are to save the Earth.



Momo’s new start-up initiative is a team exploring how to help organisations and initiatives break out of their bubbles of influence.

More people are asking sustainability champions: “How can we respond to… y’know, everything? How can we be a bit more environmental, a bit more futury…? How can we make more meaningful strategic sense of now in our bit of the crises?”


We want to help connect the challenges and issues of right now with real people. Because no story comes alive without them. From automation to the growing climate emergency, we want to help find ways to unlock the potential in the crises around us and develop real tools and channels of response – by building new shared cultures. And we’re convinced that the only way is to learn by doing. This, we feel, means encouraging projects and organisations to practice multiple perspectives – merging the languages of public sector good with business brand thinking; of on the ground human response with high level vision; of political negotiation with art. To build genuinely global values.

It’s time for new combinations of outlook, to really break old cognitive habits, old stories of us. This is where we can help. We as an exploratory team speak multiple progressive sector languages – public, private, brand, creativity. And we see them as component parts of the language of the more sustainable, inclusive future. We combine three core perspectives – place, advocacy, art – in analysis of business brand and strategy, to help you make the first tool you’ll need to make a real difference, wherever you are right now: The right brief.


From a first informal chat to core leadership consultations, to specific campaigns, projects or trial initiatives, we can help you find your own story of tomorrow. To encourage it, energise it, and help you articulate it.

Say hello directly by email >
or by calling the studio 01202 433811 >


“Not selling out, reaching out.”

We want to find test bed schemes to creatively encourage cross-cutting cultures with. NGOs know about delivering on the ground, political action groups know about diplomatic channels, placemakers know about community, localism and space, designers know about first principles thinking, human function and circular economics, artists know about theatre and storytelling. All of them understand resources – in their own sphere. But the challenge ahead, we believe, is to be global-scale changemakers – and that will mean reshaping responders’ culture as much as anyone’s to see through old silo walls. For it is all one story, tackling different symptoms of one global human outlook.

We think it is about putting all together in our minds as a starting point. This means using the arts – theatre thinking and fresh storytelling – to give us what art exists for in the human realm: New ways of seeing all we think we know.

Audiences coalesce around passions and create real communities. To help Global reach Place – the abstract seeming high level challanges reach the power of community ownership – projects will need to find ways to connect the challenges with the opportunities of now. Which means more of us are going to have to go looking for those audiences and be lightning rods of encouragement to their communities.

This we want to help you explore.



As Caroline Peach, our placemaking consultant, puts it: “Bringing together different cultures, even working with people we may be used to thinking of as quite removed from our world view, isn’t selling out – it’s reaching out.”

It’s time to pool perspectives and find real possibilities.

We are:





Timo Peach

Creative Director
Story, design, brand development, audience engagement






Caroline Peach

Placemaking Consultant
Urban design, heritage, planning and community engagement






Asha Tharoor

Advocacy & Influence Consultant
Strategic media coms, progressive and political engagement


Say hello directly by email >
or by calling the studio 01202 433811 >


Header photo by Anna Dickson on Unsplash